P.O. Box 81, Swarthmore, PA, 19081-- brandywine@juno.com

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Declaration of Peace Endorsers

More than 150 national and regional and local organizations have endorsed the DECLARATION OF PEACE (http://www.DeclarationOfPeace.org). 

The DECLARATION OF PEACE Phila. Area campaign, organized by the Brandywine Peace Community, has been endorsed (as of July 31st) by: Catholic Peace Fellowship; Delaware County Pledge of Resistance; Delaware County Wage Peace & Justice; Delaware Valley Peace Action; Epiphany House; Greater Camden Unity Council [GCUC]; Kensington Welfare Rights Union [KWRU]; Northeast Philly for Peace & Justice;  Northwest Greens; Northwest Peace & Justice Movement; Peace Center of Delaware County; Phila. Buddhist Peace Fellowship; Phila. Granny Peace Brigade; PRAWN; Shalom Center; SOA Watch - NE; Voices of a Different Dream; and Women's International League for Peace & Freedom [WILPF].